Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wedding in Hawaii

I don’t know if it was the Trade Winds gently stirring the palm leaves or the Mai Tais or the wonderful man at my side, but it was certainly was one of the most perfect and romantic days of my life.
My partner (now I guess I can officially say husband) got to spend 5 days in Honolulu.  We did lots of touristy things like a trip to Pearl Harbor and a catamaran trip to snorkel with sea turtles and watch mother and baby whales playing in the ocean.  But the huge highlight of the trip was our wedding.  Technically a Civil Union under Hawaiian law but still significant to us. 
The day of the wedding we spent the morning on the cliffs below Diamond Head.  You can get naked up on the ledges if you are just a little discreet.  We met a couple of guys that turned out to be airline attendants.  It was really nice to lay out naked with a group of guys with the Pacific in the background and the son touching all over.

Then we went back to the hotel for lunch and to clean up and get dressed for the wedding.  The dressing took a little longer than anticipated – there were pictures taken in the shower.  But we made it to Magic Island on time.  I was in all white and he wore a black shirt and tan pants.  We looked fabulous!  It was just the two of us and the minister but with the harbor full of sail boats and Diamond Head in the back ground it was perfectly romantic.
The vows were simple but so moving.  I had never been happier or more in love in my life.  After the ceremony we just sat on a park bench and smiled and laughed and enjoyed each other and the beautiful world around us. 

We went back to the Hotel and had wonderful sex (we had to consummate the marriage!)   We cleaned up again and changed outfits and went to a huge luau.  The word had gotten around that we had gotten married that afternoon and we were congratulated over and over again by many in our group.
The evening ended with Mai Tais with friends and a walk along the beach.  Oh and of course more sex before we called it a night (or morning.)

When I came out , I never saw such things in my future when I came out.  I thought that a LBG (late-breaking-gay) I was going to be lucky to have a little fun.  I never imagined that I would fall in love and get married to a man that I know is my soul-mate.
If you haven’t come out yet – if you don’t ever come out – or if you have come out but haven’t found that soul mate – don’t give up – just be the best person you can be and you will make it.  It does get better when you come out and let you be you. 

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